Brand Names : Arena Strip, PEHD, Puckboard, etc.



LDPE (Low Density Polyethylene) is a very versatile affordable plastic. Often used for the manufacture of skating rinks, this material is impact resistant even at low temperatures. For outdoor use, it is best to use UV-treated LDPE.
Easy to work with, low density polyethylene is a flexible and soft material. The sheets are unprotected, so there are imperfections on the surface.
Used in a wide range of applications, you can find LDPE in grocery or garbage bags, bottles, squeeze bottles, cling film, medical prostheses, toys and more. The pharmaceutical industry also uses it for its strength and resistance to chemicals.
The LDPE allows:
• Bench saw cut
• CNC cut
• CNC engraving
• Hot bending
• Mechanical assembly with screws
LDPE is usually white, but it can be available in black or other colors upon request.
It is made in stems or sheets of various sizes.